DC Series compact desiccant dryers easily fit inside cramped areas or containers and deliver exceptional reliability and efficiency. Able to dry air to a pressure dew point of −40 °C within a ten-minute cycle and during this process the dryer switches between the two desiccant chambers only once every five minutes. This is an important feature for low-wear operation which also conserves compressed air.
Advantageous ten-minute cycle:
Small HPC KAESER DC Series desiccant dryers operate in ten-minute cycles to achieve pressure dew points down to -40 °C. This dramatically reduces the number of switching sequences between the chambers and resulting material wear on the valves and desiccant.
In addition, long cycle times additionally reduce the amount of compressed air required to restore pressure following the desiccant regeneration phase. For example, whereas 7.6% of the compressed air must be diverted for a two-minute cycle, this proportion falls to just 1.3% with the ten-minute cycle of the small DC Series units. This reduction saves energy and extends desiccant service life.
Advantageous intermittent operation:
On/off control saves energy when there is frequent interruption of duty cycles. This employs “reverse regeneration” (where the regeneration cycle always uses up air from the downstream air receiver), which is particularly reliable as a completely regenerated desiccant chamber is always available each time the drying cycle restarts. This technique eliminates the possibility of extreme pressure dew point values from occurring at the outlet as a result of excessive loading of the desiccant.